Stephen Rowley, M.A., LMHC
I became a psychotherapist after a rich and varied career in K-12 and higher education. I earned my B.A. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a major in English and Psychology. I also earned a Ph.D. in Administration and Policy Analysis from the Graduate School of Education of Stanford University and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. I hold a license as a Mental Health Counselor (LMHC, #LH61080171) in Washington State. I am formally trained in Mindfulness Meditation. Additionally, I have completed Advanced Training in Somatic Transformation™, Certification Level l of Dream Tending, and a yearlong course from the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London, U.K. My recent training includes “Ethics in the Context of Cultural Diversity,” taught by Samuel Kimbles, Ph.D.
Although raised in the Midwest, I have resided in the Pacific Northwest for over 25 years. My home is on Bainbridge Island, Washington where I have lived over 15 years. I have considerable experience working with people of all ages, from all walks of life, and from diverse backgrounds of ethnicity, culture, socio-economics, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
I work with teens and adult individuals. I specialize in trauma, anxiety, and depression. I am especially interested in working with people experiencing crisis, and important life transitions and challenges. I am also interested in working with people who are invested in their personal growth.
I am available for a brief, no-cost phone consultation to answer your questions about my practice and me.
Professional Associations:
- American Psychological Association
- Bainbridge Island Psychotherapy Guild
- C.G. Jung Society, Seattle
- Jungian Psychotherapists Association
- Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association
- Northwest Alliance of Psychoanalytic Study
- Stanford Alumni Association

Psychotherapy in the Depth Tradition
My training in psychotherapy is based on Jungian and depth psychology. This important psychodynamic approach recognizes that beneath the conscious mind and the observable patterns of our behavior, the unconscious holds images, desires, and our darker “shadow” side. We come to experience the unconscious through active imagination, dreams, artwork, intuition, and moments of synchronicity. I also utilize other important therapeutic approaches, such as somatic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, relational therapy, mindfulness, gestalt, and life-stage development. When appropriate, I draw from various schools of spiritual wisdom.
Dream Tending
Attending to dreams is an important tool in depth psychotherapy. Dreams are the direct voice of the psyche and their attendant images are alive in the unconscious. It is said that dreams are trying to tell us something we do not yet know.
Dream tending is a rich and powerful tool that can be used in the psychotherapy. It is an interactive process between the dreamer, the dream, and the dream tender (the therapist). It is not the job of the dream tender and the dreamer to analytically interpret the images and symbols of the dream. The task of dream tending is to bring to consciousness the living images, stories, and feelings of the dream. In this way, we come to understand what our dreams are telling us. As attributed to Sigmund Freud, “The dream is the royal road to unconscious.”
“Pay attention to what life is trying to reveal to you.
Say yes to its fierce, ruthless, and loving grace.”
– Adyashanti

Fees & Session Structure
I conduct therapy sessions through telehealth, a Zoom-like online platform.
Normally, sessions are conducted weekly. I am interested in working with clients on a relatively long-term basis—a minimum of two months in duration. Sessions are 50-60 minutes in length, with exception to the initial intake session of 80 minutes.
Regular session fees: $160. Initial intake session: $220. I do not accept health insurance. However, I will provide you with the appropriate form for you to submit to your insurance provider to seek reimbursement for my services as an out-of-network provider.

Phone/Text: 408.807.5147
Email: StephenRowley108@gmail.com
Warning: Email is not a secure form of communication and your private health data may be compromised.